How to use Docker?

Requirements Docker (v 1.10 at least)

To install Docker, please follow the instructions on, considering your
operating system*.
  • On Mac OS: requires at least Yosemite 10.10.4
  • On Windows: requires at least Windows 8

Running a Docker container

  1. Launch the Docker machine (see the instruction on For example:

    • On Fedora: sudo systemctl start docker
    • On Mac OS and Windows: run the Docker launcher
  2. Download the AuReMe Docker image

    shell> docker pull dyliss/aureme-img
  3. To verify that the image has been downloaded correctly, check it in the list of your local images:

    shell> docker images -a
    REPOSITORY                            TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED      SIZE    latest   6cf38ab4edc8   1 hour ago   1.68 GB
  4. Create a folder that will serve as a bridge to share data from/to the Docker container. Let us call it bridge for instance.

  5. Create a Docker container from the following image with this command:

    shell> docker run -ti -v /my/path/to/the/directory:/shared --name="aureme_cont" dyliss/aureme-img bash

The path given for -v is the one to the shared directory on your host machine. This path has to end on the directory name (without any / at the end). The path has to be complete (from /users or from C:\\ for Windows users). After the ‘:’ is the name of the mirror directory in the Docker container. Please do not change it.

For Windows users, be careful, you have to indicate your path this way:

You have just made a bridge between \my\path\to\the\directory\brigde and the container aureme_cont.

You can create as many containers as you wish, as long as you give them different names.

Your AuReMe container is now running and correctly installed. Congratulations! You are now inside the container aureme_cont.

Some tips about Docker

  • To exit the container, tape exit.

    aureme> exit
  • To list all your containers:

    shell> docker ps -a
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND    CREATED       STATUS     PORTS   NAMES         SIZE
    fc969ed0d2c7   "bash"     2 hours ago   Up 5 hours         aureme_cont   11 MB (virtual 3.52 GB)

Remark that you can see, with this command, the state of your containers in the STATUS column: up (running, you can connect to it), exited (stopped, need to be started again).

  • To start or stop the container (from your host):

    shell> docker start aureme_cont
    shell> docker stop aureme_cont
  • If you want to go inside a started/running container:

    shell> docker exec -it aureme_cont bash
  • To delete a container: docker rm container_id ( or name)

  • To delete an image: docker rmi image_id (or name)

Before deleting a Docker image, you have to delete all the Docker containers which are linked with the image you would like to remove. And before removing a Docker container, you have to stop it.